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Ganna Pogrebna

Professor of Business Analytics and Data Science

University of Sydney


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Pogrebna (PI) is Professor of Behavioral Analytics and Data Science at the University of Sydney. She also serves as a Lead of Behavioral Data Science strand at the Alan Turing Institute – the national centre for AI and Data Science in London (UK), where Ganna is a fellow working on hybrid modelling approaches between behavioral science and data science (e.g., anthropomorphic learning). She also currently serves as an associate editor of Judgement and Decision Making journal. Her recent projects focus on smart technological and social systems, cybersecurity, behavioural change for digital security, human-computer and human-data interactions and business models. Ganna’s work on risk analytics and modelling was recognized by the Leverhulme Research Fellowship award. In January 2020, she was also named as the winner of TechWomen100 – the prize awarded to leading female experts in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in the UK, which she received for her contribution to the research and practice of human aspects of cybersecurity. She is also named as one of 20+ Inspiring Data Scientists by the AI Time Journal. Her work is regularly covered by the traditional as well as social media. Her research was funded by ESRC, EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust and industry. She has also completed projects funded by UK MOD and GCHQ. She is an author of “Navigating New Cyber Risks”. CI Pogrebna has supervised a large number of PhD students on behavioural science and data science topics. She published extensively on risk modelling and human behaviour as well as human behaviour and cyber security in high-quality peer-refereed journals. Her risk-tolerance scale for digital security (CyberDoSpeRT) received the British Academy of Management Award in 2018.

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